It was a busy few days knocking these out. The one on the bottom right was carved and printed in Tasmania, Australia, about three years ago and only now have I gotten around to carving others in a similar style.
The inspiration comes from a very special and rarely surfed spot on Tasmania’s north coast. Stumbling across it on an absent-minded beachcombing around the coast on a flat day I saw the potential. The swell arrives often accompanied by rather nasty weather however, the delightful combination of a sharp inward arc of the micro-point and the gnarled, fringing coastal scrub provide enough protection to set up some long, clean, lined-up little peelers. It was a gift to have surfed this spot a few with never another soul in sight.
I'm happy with the first two but there's something missing from the other three - not sure what that is but it aint there. Still a little refinement needed to them all but happy to get the test prints out.
Trim 1. Linocut print – Image size 100 x 110 mm.
Trim 2. Linocut print – Image size 100 x 110 mm.
Trim 3. Linocut print – Image size 100 x 110 mm.
Trim 4. Linocut print – Image size 100 x 110 mm.
Trim 5. Linocut print – Image size 100 x 110 mm.