Submersion & a weight of words

There's issues more important to busted flash uploaders; another nest of frustration with uploading images. Song and dance about the latest versions but if they don't function, why release? Testing, testing... take a tip from the roadies and don't make the fool in front of the fans. But if automation picks your twigs, and so by default your delegations have delivered stones instead of sticks, note the 3:1 ratio of the pointed finger.

Still... bugger.

Days and nights play tennis with temperatures making preemptive measures for appropriate attire fiddlier than a three-peanut pick-up with chopsticks. Ahh, let the chills descend heavily with all haste! I've merino-chain-mail for the struggle and well mustard to get armored.

Somewhere here this week a hustle of snowflakes threatened the devil. Back on yer toes son. Book in those flights for the tropics propper quick mate, they're wheeling in the ice queen.

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