Point taken

"Annual leave doesn't roll-over so you'd better take it." Yes boss. This the inevitable mid-winter gluttony - get what you can, when you can. Fun size with a good period and no wind. Leave at dark and get back at dark. Now, at this stage of the evening I'm in bits; involuntarily twitching from the bends and buckles composited after several hours of attrition in the Atlantic. Point taken One lone ranger had this to themselves. Waist-high and ruler-edged the whole way through; 100m? So much serenity... Draining right Shallow, square and empty. Despite this however, 15 or so others were happy enough to hustle and thrash about for shifty peaks only 50-or-so metres away without giving it a sideways glance. Out there Drain-pipe two Morning of the... Drain-pipe one Rhinoplasty required The inevitable. Any suggestions as to the nearest rhinoplasty specialist on the West coast? Choice chunk The choicest of chunks saved for last. Sums up the above really. Visions of the molars on this beast will devour me in my nightmares for weeks to come. I am always more than happy to volunteer my meat whenever it awakes hungry and disgruntled.

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