New prints in time for...
Growing up our kitchen always had a few quirky tea towels bought as souvenirs of some far-flung outpost in back-country Australia. Maybe we'd bought one on one of our family road trips when all six of us were all crammed into the old station wagon for hours and hours on end. Or maybe it had arrived in the post from one of our aunties along with a postcard. I miss getting those postcards...
Perhaps as a throwback to this bit of nostalgia I designed two tea towels early in the year to see how they'd go; something quirky and fun that folks would have hanging in the kitchen that would make them smile or remind them of a place and time - just the tea towels we had at home.
An homage to the superpower of gastronomic simplicity. Ahh Toast! ...sure, is there anything it can't do? The look on this fella's face - sprung in the act of delightful abandon. Close the door on your way out...
This heavyweight 100% organic cotton stock was chosen as they make for great tea towels. Combined with a traditional screen print these are robust and will last for years like a good kitchen tea towel does. The fabric also makes the prints well able to be framed or otherwise hung on the wall.
This design is inspired by a seaweed from the Southern Hemisphere, the common kelp Ecklonia radiata. This design is an homage to the North Atlantic kelp, Laminaria digitata, or Oarweed
This design is a reminder to us all that we're creatures of movement - shake what you've got. Never mind the jungle around you - get out and do your thing; if you don't know what that is... go travel.
The new designs are going to look stunning. Yes, I'm excited and resisting the urge to follow the tracking number of the shipment - they'll be on the doorstep soon enough. These four new designs, along with the first two (above) will be on sale from my stall at the Strandhill People Markets in Sligo, Ireland. If you can't make it to the market I can ship these to where-ever you are.