Loose Fit Prints!

It's taken a little longer than I had expected. Loose Fit Surf Shop has two stores in the South-west UK, Bristol & Braunton in Devon. A surf shop with a bold stance on the environment;
We are the world’s first and only carbon neutral surf shop, and are very proud to have risen above more than 500 nominated companies as one of the major winners of the 2007 Green Apple Award at the European Businesses Awards for the Environment, presented at the House of Commons last November... ...pledging 1% of our net sales to the environment, Loose-Fit were the first company outside the US in the surf industry to become a member of the organisation One Percent For The Planet.
Raise an eyebrow? It did me. When they showed interest in some of my artwork earlier in the year I was all too happy to see what we could work out. Though the wheel can take time to turn it's momentum is a beautiful thing. I was stoked to see posted on the Loose Fit website that the crew have got their hands on a sweet screen-printing setup and have begun printing their own tees... it's one of my designs on the press! Stoked.  If you like the print let em know! If you love it... why not get one?

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