"Kick start my heart..."
Was ever there a return of a prodigal Parent? It is to become apparent with the collection of the now beardless One & delivery thereof back unto the homestead. Time to pace yourself there now you're fully wired into the mainframe. The jolts rippled wide & echoed back waves of compassion. Beautifully tight pull the fibres to bring strength when required. Ground Control to the Major; ch..ch..changes, now obvious, now a necessity & now a package to roll out across the Firm in the hope that it can become firmer - cash in yer bonds.
New applications are made under oath to plug back in to the matrix. Old dogs, though happy in their habits, have always a nose keening for fresh flesh.
Let us get get down to finites, dust the broom so to spring these halls of their old wheezy echoes in prep to manifest an atmosphere of glorious harmonics. Tragic such an amphitheater be abandoned for the feeble jarring jangles of the watchman's keys on his periodic nose in.
This Hall should be swollen with the exhalations & adorations entwining, uplifting in tryst to flit & swirl thick about in an atmosphere buoyant & precipitous, electric with colour & sound, all above & about the en-awed audience.
Tickets have been on sale for years but finally there shall be a theatre worthy of this venue.