Distant mates and watercolours
Hoo-bloody-ray for the internet and video-calls. It's grouse to be able to catch up with family on the other side of the planet; family, but particularly the family blue dog.
Apparently he has a bugger of a time of it trying to get the postcards written without opposable thumbs. I know he misses me as much as I miss him. I wouldn't be surprised if the little fellah didn't paddle up to me one morning while I'm somewhere out on the Sligo coast having legged it the whole way across from the coast. Then again, being as cluey as he is he'd probably just nip me on the ankle as I step off the bus from work one evening - him, after sorting out his own flights and transfers, turning up unannounced for a surprise two-week holiday. Clever little bastard; I wouldn't put it past him.