Dinosaurs Can ROCK!

Now, I have heard it from just about every Irish man of this land of Eire that in the Great Hall of the Lords of Rock there is one name. One name that, softly spoken in hushed murmurs, would instantly ignite a tempest of furious feedback enough to melt the very stone from the stoic Sphinx to the giant Moai of Easter Island...

Thin Lizzy.

Yadda yadda yadda... whatever.

Or so I would shrug off until my very dear friend, Nigel L., telephoned me in my first few days back in Dublin with an offer I simply could not pass up. To accompany himself, Joe Elliot (Def Leppard), Emm Gryner (Singer/Songwriter delight from Canadia) and resident Dj at Samsara Bulgarian Dj Emil - to go and witness Thin Lizzy (minus Phil o'course).

Oh Jayzus... rock wannabes of today would do themselves an immense favour by disbanding, forking out for the entire Thin Lizzy back catalogue and meditating on what is undoubtably some of the finest in face-melting ROCK! Enough said.
or, is it...?
The night carries on however: Access All Areas to the private bar to share a beer with (ok, next to...) Jill Meniketti - the late Phil Lynnot's mother, John Sykes (Al Pacino look-a-like) of Whitesnake, Blue Murder etc... the rest of Thin Lizzy and a host of frothing pen weilding fan(atic)s. But that's just not enough either so off and on to Lilly's Bordello, up and up to the top room where after several oyster stouts (ohhh, nasty) Bono appears some time later sporting his latest pair of shades (at 1am, wtf?).

Froth froth froth... and I'm spent.

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