Damnit... I'll work if I have to.

There's not too much work about and it's also been pretty quiet on the waves front, it's freakin placid lake out there and has been for about 2 and a bit weeks.

Had a great weekend pulling pints up at my new pint-pullin vocation on the top road of the village - The Dunes Tavern. They put in a big outdoor marquee with solid ply flooring - the place was packed with locals & town cronies out to get down to the great bands on friday, Rob Strong, and saturday night, Shamie O'Dowd & friends. Set up a little bar at the end of the tent and I was holed up in there for the night flingin pints and shorts flat-out. Crazy busy but the soundtrack of rockin blues and classics from the talent-freaked musos was incredible - shakin my arse off behind this little bar and laughing my tits off at how much fun it was. Mighty craic. Finished up at 4am so I could get some sleep before the surf lessons, on a few hours later.

Crikey, bring on the summer I say - for work not weather. Rain or shine it'll be busy and I can get lost in the hecticity of daily surf lessons and pulling the porter. Ahh, all in good time.

Plan to get my hands on a canvas or two and start playing with the paints. Keen to colour up some of my sketches and try to coax a few coins out of the tourists for my troubles. Pics up when I get some sorted.

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