2016 IMAS / TWS Fim Series
For the 7th year running, the Marine Conservation Film Series is on again.
The folks running this year's series, the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies and The Wilderness Society, needed a quick turnaround for an illustration and design for the promotional poster. Tight deadlines can be fun.
The concept came to me as I was putting our little fellah to bed; this means crawling into bed with him so he feel your warmth and hear your heartbeat. If you 're not winding down yourself he knows which inevitably prolongs the process. I've found that if I give in and let myself slip toward slumber the wee-man senses my system slowing and responds by drifting off. Most of the time I can teeter on the edge without sliding down into that delicious chasm of slumber before half seven in the evening...
Interestingly, this relaxed state where I'm 'giving in' is proving to be fertile soil for sowing creative seeds and reaping the sprouts thereof. This year's poster is the fruit of such.
Ah, that aside – if you find yourself around Launceston when the screenings are on it'll be well worth your while to get along. I might even see you there...